Химия - Декофеинизирование - Содержание кофеина в декофеинизированном кофе

01 марта 2011

1. Декофеинизирование
2. Процесс Розелиуса
3. Прямой метод
4. Процесс CO2
5. Триглицеридный метод
6. Содержание кофеина в декофеинизированном кофе
7. Влияние декофеинизированного кофе на здоровье

Almost all brands of decaffeinated coffee still contain a minimum amount of caffeine. Drinking five to ten cups of decaffeinated coffee could deliver as much caffeine as would one or two cups of regular coffee, according to research at the University of Florida Maples Center for Forensic Medicine. In one independent study of 10 popular decaffeinated coffees, researchers found that all but one contained detectable caffeine. The 16-ounce cups of coffee samples contained caffeine in the range of 8.6 milligrams to 13.9 milligrams. In another similar study of popular brands of decaf coffees, the caffeine content was anywhere from 3 milligrams up to 32 milligrams. Both of these studies tested the caffeine content of store-brewed coffee, suggesting the caffeine may be residual from the normal coffee served, rather than poorly decaffeinated coffee.

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