Химия - Декофеинизирование - Процесс CO2

01 марта 2011

1. Декофеинизирование
2. Процесс Розелиуса
3. Прямой метод
4. Процесс CO2
5. Триглицеридный метод
6. Содержание кофеина в декофеинизированном кофе
7. Влияние декофеинизированного кофе на здоровье

This process is technically known as supercritical fluid extraction. In the carbon dioxide method, the caffeine is stripped directly from the beans by a highly compressed semi-liquid form of carbon dioxide. Pre-steamed beans are soaked in a bath of supercritical carbon dioxide at a pressure of 73 to 300 atmospheres. After a thorough soaking for around ten hours, the pressure is reduced, allowing the CO2 to evaporate, or the pressurized CO2 is run through either water or charcoal filters to remove the caffeine. The carbon dioxide is then used on another batch of beans. This liquid works better than water because it is kept in supercritical state near the transition from liquid to gas, combining favorable diffusivity properties of the gas with increased density of a liquid. This process has the advantage that it avoids the use of potentially harmful substances.

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